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50+ Division 





W   L   Pct.    Streak

7    2   .777     W2

5    4   .555     W1

3    6   .333     L1

3    6   .333     L3

60+ Division  







W      Pct.  Streak

9    1     .900     W7

8    2     .800     L1
    3     .700     W1

3    7     .300     W1

​2    8     .200     L1  

1    9     .100     L8


GDSL - Division 50+  Game Summary 8/24  


Misters Bar and Lanes squared off against Wallenwein's Hotel in a three game series for the Glory Days Softball Championship (50 and over). Wallenwein's thumped a depleted Misters squad for an easy 9 to 3 victory in the opening game.  The last 2 games became low scoring battles as each  team captain tweaked their line ups and defensive alignments. It was a classic chess match between the senior leaders of each squad. Rick Wells guiding the Mister's squad vs Greg Hunt leading the Duda's of Wallenweins. Base hits were difficult to come by as opposing shortstops, Rob Gallagher and Jeff Souder, repeatedly vacuumed up every grounder and line drive that came near. The series was also marked by several diving and sliding stops in the outfield. It was Kevin Bartosz breaking the hearts of the sluggers from Misters while Justin Transki was robbing extra base hits from old friends and rivals like Pete Peterman.


The battle of pulled hamstrings eventually swung in the favor of Misters as they squeaked out a 4 to 3 victory in game 2 and won the championship by a score of 4 to 2. Both teams would like to thank their sponsors for their unwavering support over many years. John Becker of Misters and Ben Holmes of Wallenwein's have been gracious hosts to their respective teams and we appreciate your backing.

GDSL - Division 60+ Game Summary 8/28


The final game of the GDSL 60+ Division saw last year’s champs Legends versus this year division winner’s West-Herr and it was great to see the other GDSL coaches and players at the game, with Mogs coach Leo Noe setting the line at 5 to 2 for a West-Herr victory. 


Legends started quickly scoring 3 runs in the first inning with hits from Jeff Allan, Kenny Struck, Dave Lombardo and Jon Perkins. They would add to their lead scoring 2 more runs in the third with hits from the same 4 players and Bobby Baker. 

In the bottom of the 3rd, West-Herr would finally get started scoring 1 with hits from Mark Brinkel, Bob Kurowski and Scott Bristol. The inning end dramatically with Legend’s Joey John Eddy making a catch in left-field and showing super human strength throwing out the West-Herr runner trying to advance home. 


In the 5th Legends would tack on 5 more with hits from Steve Gidwitz, Lombardo, Baker, Eddy, Bob Battisti, Denny McMullen and Steve Caprow. 


With Legends leading 10-1, West-Herr would not go quietly into the night putting up 5 runs of their own with hits from Tom Tighe, Brinkel, Pearson, Tom Aris, Harry Louth and Dave Rusin. Legends would add 1 run in the 6th and West-Herr would add 3 in the bottom of the 7th for a final score of 11-9 Legends. 

Legends was led by Allen 5-5, Lombardo 4-4, Perkins 3-4 and Battisti 3-4. West Herr was led by Kevin Larson 4-4. Special mention to both Ken Adams and Steve Scattoreggio who were injured during the year and helped coach Legends thru the playoffs. Also during the game our friend Harry Louth became ill and had to leave the game and both teams wish Harry a speedy recovery.                  

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